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The Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers’ Mart P.L.C. held their Annual Kirkcambeck Sale of Strong Store Cattle on Saturday 20th October 2007.

A catalogue entry of 1,105 head was presented to the largest ring of buyers seen at this centre.

Blue Grey and Galloways were shown in excellent condition with many lots showing a rise in price against last years very high rates. Continental cattle also met prices well above vendors expectations.



Charolais: £745, £695, £685, £680 Riggfoot, £680, £670 Adderston Shiels, £665, £635 Riggfoot, £635 Garthside, £625 Adderston Shiels, £615 Horsegills.

Angus: £725 Roanstree, £685, £665, £660 Westwinds, £640 Roanstree, £610 Westwinds, £605 Roanstree, £590 Westwinds, £575 Lynnshield.

Luing: £690, £645 Branxholmbraes.

Simmental: £685 Bodesbeck, £655, £640 Holme House, £620 Bodesbeck, £605, £595 Holme House, £590 Allfornaught, £585 Howgill Castle.

Limousin: £685 Gibstown, £675 Garthside, £665 Branxholmbraes and Kershopefoot, £660 Meinbank, Edenbanks and Kershopefoot, £645 Edenbanks and Sandbed, £640 Kershopefoot.

Blonde d’Aquitaine: £640, £595, £590, £535 Hole of Lyne.

Saler: £615, £570 Moss Side.

Blue Grey: £610 Hole of Lyne, £585 Ormiston, £570 Hole of Lyne, £535 Whiteknowe, £525 Farneyshield, £520 Whiteknowe.

Belgian Blue: £590, £570 Hole of Lyne, £540 Haggistone Holm, £515 Smalmstown, £510 Haggistone Holm, £495 Smalmstown.

Galloway: £575 Bewcastle Demesne, £545 Ormiston, £530 Ormiston and Dodgsonstown, £525 Hot Bank and Peela Hill, £510 Smithsteads.

Friesian: £480 Roanstree.

Limousin: £690 Fieldfoot, £680 Gibstown, £585, £565, £550 Fieldfoot, £550 Garthside, £540 Gibstown, £535 Dykehead.

Luing: £615 Branxholm Braes.

Simmental: £600 Bodesbeck, £545 Holme House, £525 Allfornaught, £495 Bodesbeck, £490 Holme House.

Belgian Blue: £570, £540 Creca Hall, £535 Dykehead, £530 Sandbed, £510 Creca Hall, £485 East Scales.

Charolais: £550 Adderston Shiels, £500 Braehead.

Saler: £515, £445 Moss Side.

Angus: £445, £440 Roanstree, £420 Bodesbeck.

Blonde d’Aquitaine: £400 Cobble Hall.

Galloway: £355 Allfornaught, £285 Hindhope and Allfornaught, £280 Bodesbeck.

2006 sale report

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