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Scotch Mule Ewe Lambs

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart had forward 4107 Scotch Mule Ewe lambs at their show and sale at Dumfries on Friday 25th August 2006.

The championship was awarded to Mrs. K. Park & Sons, Dalpeddar, Sanquhar and sold for £80 to the judge, Mr. H Wilson, Newbank, Beattock.

The reserve champions were from A & A Kirkpatrick, The Barr, Sanquhar and realised £67. Overall a mixed trade prevailed with lambs averaging £54.77 a fall of £6 on the year.

Top prices: £80 Dalpeddar, £72 Marr, £71 Kirkton, £70 Tower & Clonrae, £68 Dalpeddar & Auchenbainzie, £67 Kirkton, Barr & Guelt, £65 Clonrae, Marwhirn, £64 Laggan Park & Spango, £63 West Preston.

Scotch Ewe Lambs
Scotch Ewe Lambs
Scotch Ewe Lambs
Scotch Ewe Lambs

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